Road Trip! We just got back from an awesome road trip to participate in the America's Great Loop Cruisers Association (AGLCA) - 2018 Spring RendezVous held in Norfolk, Virginia. We are so glad we decided to drive down and see what it was all about. Looper boats in the marina The amount of work and organisation that went on prior to the event taking place, must have been colossal! I have to congratulate the staff of AGLCA, everything was great, the subjects/topics covered, the activities (looper crawls), the sponsors, the meals... and I could go on. Even though this is an annual event, they succeeded in meeting " to be ", " in progress " and " completed " loopers objectives of learning, sharing and making new friends. The energy of the participants (loopers) is something to experience - reuniting that many people who have the same dream and are working towards the same objective - it was a pleasure to be part of it all! One of the th...
Personal Blog of our travels.