Well, we're back home, and we are now suffering from "Boat Withdrawal". It's a temporary thing - we know that 😉 so, we are getting over it and adapting to our new "normal". Getting back into our "dirt home" routine has been a bit of an eye opener for us. We're missing our "outdoor" time much more than anticipated - on the boat, we were outside or in the cockpit about 80% of the time. We're also realizing that we can slow down our pace now... we don't need to research-plan-prepare for tomorrow (have a plan A,B,C in case the weather or something else changed our travel conditions). It's taken us about two weeks to "mellow" down some. The urge to go somewhere - do something had both of us a bit on edge, sitting down and listening to the news, relaxing and just chilling was... well, kind of weird - the urgency to get something or everything done "now" is missing. SeaLoons - nice and secure! ...
Personal Blog of our travels.